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Big Data Practice Course

1.1 Solicitation of practice projects  

Big Data Practice Course project requirements

· Focus on system architecture:

The project will propose a demand for big data analysis system, describing application scenarios, data volume, existing data forms, existing business processes, and expected enterprise processes. Communicating with students, checking their phased achievements, evaluating their progress, and giving feedback make it is convenient for students to proceed to the next iteration.

· Focus on data analysis and application:


The project will propose real data analysis needs, give a real data set, let students implement a real analysis system and algorithms to meet your needs. This kind of project requires open data to students.

Previous cooperative enterprises

Since the launch of the big data practice course, more than 240 practical projects have been collected from all walks of life, including 76 domestic and foreign enterprises such as NDRC CRRC Sifang, China Railway Meituan-Dianping, BAT Bayer, involving 27 major application fields such as industrial big data, finance, transportation, big data and power big data. 35 excellent practice projects were selected and 40 excellent enterprise mentors helped enterprises solve real pain points in the industry. The practical effect was widely recognized by enterprises.


Specific time arrangement: Note: The practice time of the project shall be subject to the notice of the school.

Proposal form

     Welcome enterprises from all walks of life to sign up for inquiries

    Contact person: Miss. Wang

    Consultation telephone: 13671092927, 010-62773971

    Consulting email:

    After the selection and evaluation of the project, the acceptance of the project will be notified by confirmation email.


     You Gain

1. Participated in talent training of Tsinghua University's Big Data Ability Cultivation Project;

2. Cooperate with Teachers and students of Tsinghua University to solve the actual needs of the enterprise;

3. Meet the demand for Tsinghua's big data talent reserve;

4. The opportunity of in-depth cooperation with teachers in the field of big data in Tsinghua University;

5. Enhance the brand image of your company;

6.  Excellent team mentor and "Excellent Enterprise Mentor Certificate"

Research Center